Leadership Development for Entrepreneurs

Business IS Personal. You need to Build the Business OWNER to Build the Business


Why your heart-led, impact driven business is SO important blog graphic

Why your heart-led, impact driven business is SO important

October 22, 20247 min read

In the online business space, you often hear advice about strategy, sales tactics, and marketing techniques. But if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that my constant assertion is that in order to build your business, you first need to build the business owner (BTBO). It’s the core philosophy that drives what I do and, after 8 years in the online business space, I believe in it more deeply than ever. 

Today, however, I want to talk with you about why I care so much about helping you build your business. Not just why you need to BTBO to do so—because you’ve likely heard me say plenty about that already—but why it’s so important to me personally to help you build your business in the first place.

Why have I chosen to focus on building business owners, when personal development and mindset principles can be applied to so many different areas of life. My answer to that question lies at the intersection of business, personal growth, and something I haven’t talked about openly as much in the past: spirituality.

Business is Personal—Especially for Heart-Led Entrepreneurs

For heart-led, impact-driven entrepreneurs like you and me, business is personal. We don’t separate our work from our values, our purpose, or our desire to make the world a better place. That’s why I feel so strongly about helping you grow your business. I’ve spoken about this before on my podcast (Taking It Personally) and in my work, but today I want to go deeper.

The reason I’m so committed to supporting business owners, especially heart-led ones, is that I believe people like you, through growing your own business, have the potential to create a significant positive impact in the world. I’ve been in the online business space for 8 years now, and in that time, I’ve never met a single mentor, client, or fellow entrepreneur who wasn’t motivated by the desire to help others in some way. That’s a far cry from the perception of entrepreneurs I had growing up in the 1980swhich was all about cutthroat competition, “money-grabbing,” and “it’s not personal, it’s just business.”

But I don’t subscribe to that belief. For me, business ISpersonal. And the online space, even with all its flaws, has shown me that I don’t have to play by the old, soul sucking rules. I believe in growing and scaling my business not just for financial success, but to create the resources to do good in my life, my family’s lives, and in the wider world too. And I believe that your business can do the same for you.

Owning Your Expertise While Remaining Open to Learning

I know that the work I do—helping entrepreneurs build themselves as business owners—is valuable. My training in personal, leadership, and mindset development is based on a blend of my qualifications, skills, and real-world experience. But here’s the thing: I’m still learning, too. Even though I’ve built expertise over the years, I’ve also been navigating the balance between owning that expertise while knowing that I always have more to learn.

One of the reasons I’ve been slow to talk about the spiritual aspects of my life is that I didn’t quite know how to frame it. In the past, I’ve hedged my bets when talking about spirituality because, like many of you, I’m still finding my way. However, as I’ve grown more confident in what I bring to the table, I’ve also recognised the importance of sharing this learning with you. Being more vocal about how spirituality impacts my work is allowing me to approach business in a more well-rounded way, and I believe it will make my work even more impactful for you.

For example, I’ve long talked about the effects of societal conditioning on how we show up in business. In my updated training, I’m also incorporating discussions on the “witch wound,” which I’ve explored and found helpful in relation to my own business journey. The witch wound is a concept that speaks to the fear of being persecuted or rejected for stepping into your power, particularly as a woman. Understanding this has helped me see even more clearly how deeply subconscious fears can influence our business decisions.

Finding Your Voice in Business

The point I want to make here is that building a heart-led business isn’t just about sharing your knowledge or selling a service. It’s about finding your voice, embracing your full self, and showing up authentically for your audience.

As you grow your business, you might also find yourself wrestling with how much to share. It’s a balance between honesty, vulnerability, and professional boundaries. For example, I’m not a fan of vulnerability for vulnerability’s sake. I believe that as a business owner, you should feel in charge of what you choose to share, and you don’t owe anyone your personal story unless you decide it serves a purpose for you and your business. There’s a big difference between being relatable and oversharing for the sake of generating engagement.

You might find that navigating this balance slows down your business growth at times. I’ve certainly found that but, to me, that’s OK. Mybusiness, my choice, myconsequences. I havezero problem with that, because the confidence to take full responsibility in and for my business is not only wholly necessary as a business owner, it’s actually the most empowering and freeing part.

Bringing Both Logic and Spirituality into Business

I’ve often said that I sit at the intersection of logic and spirituality in my business. Up until now, my offers have leaned more heavily on the logical side, but I’m increasingly bringing in the spiritual elements of what I’ve been learning, and I believe that doing so will only strengthen the work I do with you. We need both logic and spirituality for a full human experience, just as we need both the “masculine” energy of action and the “feminine” energy of intuition, connection, and emotion. One is not better than the other—they’re complementary.

The key to creating a successful business is integrating these aspects into how you work. And that’s where my entrepreneur training comes in. I bring my expertise to the table, but I also approach everything with the understanding that I’m still learning. I know what I know, but I never want to position myself as a “guru.” Instead, I’m committed to helping you navigate your own path—because, ultimately, the future of business lies in the hands of heart-led entrepreneurs like you.

The New World We’re Building Together

What’s most exciting to me about working with heart-led, impact-driven business owners is that together, we’re contributing to the creation of a new world. A world where we value connection over separation, equity over oppression, and the highest good for the collective THROUGH individual success. It’s a world where the “softer” skills—like emotional intelligence, empathy, and intuition—are just as valuable as the traditional “hard” skills of logic, action, and results.

This is the world I want to help build, and I believe that your business can play a part in that transformation. I’ve created my entrepreneur training to support you on that journey. If you want to learn more about how my training can help you build a heart-led, impact-driven business, check out the link below or DM me on Instagram to schedule a no-pressure chat.

And, of course, I’d love to know what you think about what I’ve shared here. If this message resonates with you, you’re welcome to join my email list for more Build the Business Owner (BTBO) content. And if you enjoyed this post, why not share it with your business friends? Together, we can create the world we want to live in through building the businesses we want to build.

Elle xo

For solopreneurs, or business owners with 1 or 2 of a team, who want  to show up and share their message confidently and consistently to attract kindred soul clients, a like-hearted community and make sales.

Enrolment opens soon for Build the Business Owner, but you can grab your spot on the (no-obligation) waiting list NOW https://elleturner.me/btbo-waitlist-join

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And join me on the Taking It Personally Podcast, a podcast for heart-led entrepreneurs who want to grow their impact driven business. We talk about all things entrepreneurial leadership development and mindset so that you can grow a business that enables you to live the life that resonates with you, that’s in harmony with you at a heart and soul level. https://elleturner.me/podcast

Entrepreneur TrainingBuild the Business OwnerEntrepreneurial LeadershipEntrepreneurial MindsetPersonal development for entrepreneursBusiness IS Personal
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