...and I’m an Entrepreneurial Leadership Development Mentor. I help intelligent, compassionate entrepreneurs (that’s you) lead their unique, heart-led business so that they can achieve success, fulfilment and impact through the work they want to bring to the world.
You know you could do so much more with your business, but you’re stuck.
You feel confused, worried, overwhelmed and are unsure what to tackle next.
You feel that your longed-for business isn’t the solution you expected it to be because you feel uncertain
and overwhelmed
You’re scared that branching out on your own has been a mistake because you lack confidence, fear that you’re not good enough, don’t know enough or are just plain old deluded to want what you want
You see your big goals and the impact you want to create through your business, you know you can do it, but if anything it feels like it’s getting further away, not closer
HOWEVER, you most definitely do not want to go back to a traditional 9-5 job that doesn’t allow you the autonomy, flexibility or freedom to manage your life (and frankly more important to you) desires and responsibilities and leaves you feeling unfulfilled, time poor, fun poor and £££ poor.
I get it. I get it SO MUCH, because that was me too.
I knew I wanted to start my own business so that I could have the autonomy and achievement that I longed for but, when I did in 2016, I discovered that every self-doubt, worry or fear I could have had, showed up and decided to hold a permanent dance party in my head, heart and gut.
I knew I could do it, somewhere deep inside but, at the same time, I feared I couldn’t and I didn’t know how to get past that gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, stumbling block.
It's since then that I discovered what I now believe unequivocally to be true.
Business is personal and we need to do the inner work, AKA the business mindset and leadership development work, to build ourselves as entrepreneurs and business owners as well as working on all the external activities that build a business (such as marketing, positioning, pricing, promoting, selling etc).
The external work, aka what we ‘DO’ to build a business is the easier bit. It’s achieving clarity, maintaining a leadership mindset and taking action from a place of self-assuredness that makes or breaks our ability to DO anything at all.
If you’ve ever avoided posting on social media because you fear the response (or lack of response), if the thought of appearing on live video makes you sweat, if sometimes you think you’re products and services are great, but in the next breath you think they suck more than anything you could imagine
You’re most definitely not alone (In fact, these feelings are so common in the online business space you’ll actually start to feel cross at how unoriginal you’re being. *Wink*).
It’s NOT that you’re ‘not cut out’ for this business thing. It's that you need to reorganise your approach to your business, become the entrepreneurial leader your business needs and take action (without the self-doubt, sweating & fear of sucking) so that you can achieve the results you can feel in your heart and mind.
It’s my heart-led mission to help you not only build the business you desire so that you can experience whatever you want your business to bring to your life,
Whether that’s:
Time freedom
Feeling fulfilled by the work you do
Having autonomy over your schedule
Gaining financial freedom from having your income potential in your own hands
(Or all of the above)
But also to use entrepreneurship as the vehicle through which you can positively impact the world in whatever way is meaningful to you.
I left my day job in 2016, opened the online doors to my eco-friendly stationery business the same year, did what I now consider to be a self-created apprenticeship in online business (and life as it turned out) for a couple of years before finally finding the path I wanted to be on and starting again in late 2018. (You can read more about my pre-biz and early-biz story here if you’d like to).
Although that period has turned out to be pivotal to what I’m doing now, I wouldn’t recommend the accidental, haphazard, overwhelming, fear-ridden way I muddled through to anyone. But throughout this period I learned that in order to build the business I wanted, and not one that would leave me as unfulfilled and drained as my ‘day job’, I needed to focus on gaining real clarity on what that actually meant and cultivating a strong business mindset so that I could take the action my business needed me to take to, in a nutshell, get on with it.
But more than this, I realised that I needed to step up and lead my business, rather than looking for answers, approval and validation from others in order to believe that my business would ‘work’. There’s no shortage of advice about how to do the ‘external’ work of building a business but, although that’s a good thing, it can also be overwhelming, confusing and serve to put the brakes on your business ambition.
You don’t want that.
You want (and need) to be able to cut through the noise, trust your own decision making and unapologetically follow your own path, the one that’s congruent with your integrity.
That’s what I’m here to help you with. Think of me as your constant CEO companion as you build, grow and scale your business in line with your purpose and the life you want to live!
Business IS Personal. It’s time to become the business owner you intend to be.
© Copyright 2022 Elle Turner Creative. All Rights Reserved.
Registered Office: 5 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4AN
Company Number: SC821234