Build the Business OWNER

Entrepreneur Training

Join the waitlist now!

Develop the CLARITY & CONFIDENCE to take decisive ACTION on your marketing, visibility and sales activities through this unique programme designed specifically for heart-led, impact driven Solopreneurs & Micro-business Owners like you who want to build a successful, fulfilling and sustainable online business and KNOW that’s what they’re destined for.

  • IF you’ve been trying to grow your online business but, instead of experiencing the results you want (like signing clients/making more sales and, therefore, increasing your revenue and impact), you feel OVERWHELMED by the size of your To Do list and STUCK, scared of wasting more time, energy and money on a ‘wrong’ decision

  • AND you want to ramp up the CLARITY, CONFIDENCE and MINDSET that gets business results so that you can move your business forward and TRUST that you know how to do so for the long term

  • BUT you’ve not yet embraced how to develop your own personal skills as an entrepreneur and the need to Build the Business Owner

Then this is the ONLY thing to focus on and I have the programme for you. 

Grab your spot on the (no-obligation) waitlist NOW to hear when doors open to Build the Business Owner and to take advantage of the 50% discount available only to wait-listers!

If you’re feeling frustrated because you aren’t achieving results you can rely on and you’re wondering WHY you can’t rely on a course of action that just works ,  trust me when I say I GET IT. 

I started my first business in the online space in 2016 and it wasn’t long before I discovered that every self-doubt, worry or fear I could have had showed up and decided to hold a permanent dance party in my head, heart and gut.

I knew I could do it, somewhere deep inside but, at the same time, I feared I couldn’t. I didn’t know how to get past the gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, stumbling blocks that were my limiting beliefs so that I could DO what I needed to do to make progress and move my business forward.

I tried learning everything I could (anyone else able to paper a whole room with freebies they’ve downloaded?), made investments without seeing financial ROI and ended up feeling demoralised, overwhelmed, embarrassed and tired.

It's since then that I discovered what I now know unequivocally to be true:

The ACTION you take to build your business, AKA have predictable lead generation, sign clients and attract opportunities (such as podcast guesting & other collaborations) IS crucially important BUT

It’s HOW you APPROACH taking this action - so how you approach your marketing, promotion, sales conversations

The CLARITY and strength of your entrepreneurial mindset and

Your willingness to prioritise YOUR OWN GROWTH as the foundation for your business growth on an ongoing basis

It’s these three KEY pieces that will determine the results you see from all your hard work and how you experience your business. (Is the enthusiasm you had when you started your business buried under your long to do list?)

If you:

  • Have started your business and understand the basics of how the online business space operates

  • Are frustrated by how much you’re currently doing for little or no result

  • Are sick of feeling STALLED and STUCK 

And instead are READY TO CLAIM the success, fulfilment and impact that you started your business to create, then Build the Business Owner is for you. Join the waitlist now to get 50% off and get first dibs on spots when they release.

Do we know each other yet?

Hi, I’m Elle!

I’m a writer, boy (x2) Mum, cat (x2) Mum and lifelong learner. I’m also an Entrepreneur trainer and Business Mindset Mentor for heart-led, impact driven entrepreneurs. 

Entrepreneurial training is the umbrella term I use for personal development for entrepreneurs, taking a leadership approach to business and cultivating, managing and maintaining an entrepreneurial mindset. I’ve combined my background in Sociology, HR, Personal Development and over 7 years in the online business space to support online solopreneurs and micro-business owners who are ready to level up their entrepreneurial skills, mindset and action-taking so that they can build a thriving, fulfilling, impactful and sustainable business that they’re proud of.

Join the no obligation VIP waitlist

To get 50% off and to get first dibs on spots when they release! 

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