It’s my heart-led mission to help you not only build the business you desire, but also to use entrepreneurship as the vehicle through which you can positively impact the world in whatever way is meaningful to you.

I was sure I’d do more than this

That was my recurring thought in my 30s as I looked at the way my life was unfolding.

I felt stuck, stifled and oh-so-aware of the passing of time, but I was unsure how to bring about the changes I needed to make to my life. Does that sound familiar?

And I was confused too, because I had done everything “right”. I studied hard, got my degree and a “proper” job, ditching any notions I’d previously had about being a writer or owning my own business. That was something that “other people” did, there’s no way I would be able to do it…I stuck to the sensible plan, assumed that one day it would all feel right and that everything would fall into place.

But it never really did.

Elle Turner

After I had my twin boys, I knew my life wasn’t set up in a way that allowed me to do what mattered to me most - look after my family, build something worthwhile for my children and do something I enjoyed at the same time.

It’s not that becoming a mum changed my priorities, it just gave me a reason to live them.

So I took action. I made a change. I started my own business. I left my day job in 2016, opened the online doors to my eco-friendly stationery business the same year, did what I now consider to be a self-created apprenticeship in online business (and life as it turned out) for a couple of years before finally finding the path I wanted to be on and starting again in late 2018.

Although that period has turned out to be pivotal to what I’m doing now, I wouldn’t recommend the accidental, haphazard, overwhelming, fear-ridden way I muddled through to anyone.

When I started my business, I had all these horrible feelings and more. I wanted to quit so many times, but something stopped me.

And that was the feeling that I just knew I could do it. I don’t know why I felt like that (goodness knows there was no evidence to suggest it!) but I wanted it, for me, my family and for the impact I want to make, so it was worth fighting for.

But it was exhausting that it felt like a fight.

Does that resonate with you?

If so, I understand and please take heart. If you suspect, even a little bit, that running a business is for you, read on.

Even though, frankly I felt like a failure, all my personal reasons for leaving my 9-5 and starting on my own were still there. I wanted to live a more integrated life, working hard while having the flexibility to focus, as necessary, on my other responsibilities. I wanted to create a future with more freedom to concentrate on everything important to me – looking after my family, building something worthwhile for my children and doing work I enjoyed. I felt it sounded cheesy at the time but, I wanted to have a positive impact in the world and I knew having my own business was the only way I wanted to achieve it.

As a qualified HR specialist with nearly 20 years’ experience, I know and I’ve seen the benefits to business as people learn, grow and change. Not only that, when we as individuals achieve our potential, we can give so much more to our family, our work, our relationships and the wider world.

In fact, I’d even go further than that.

I believe that trying to achieve our personal vision of success and be happy is the best way we can demonstrate gratitude for the life we’ve been given.

I’m not going to pretend for a second that it’s easy (I’ve shed lots of tears), nor that I’m exactly where I want to be yet or have it all figured out (nope, have we ever?) but I’ve come a long way and will always be a committed student of leadership, mindset and personal growth practices.

Why do you want to build your heart-led, impact driven business?

What will it mean for you? For those around you? For the wider world?

What sort of business owner do you want to be?

I’m here to help you achieve the answers to those questions, and to support you as you create all that you want to create.

When I left my day job in 2016, I was ready to take control of my career and build my business round my family but, as so often happens, life had other plans.

Around six months into my business, I lost my wonderful dad. He died one night unexpectedly and his passing left a massive hole in our lives.

I thought I was doing OK. My practical side kicked into gear. My dad had always been the capable one and I was determined to pick up the mantle. “I’ll do it, that’s no problem,” became my overused phrase.

It took me a year to hit a metaphorical wall. All the time I thought I was doing well but, really, I wasn’t. I was trying to make things better for my mum and my children, trying to work on my business, trying to get back to "normal,” but all the time I felt that I was operating from under a pile of bricks.

It took me too long, but I finally went to my doctor and got some help by way of anxiety medication. That gave me the breathing room to start to mainstream healthier practices in my life again, and for me that included a renewed understanding of my personal & business purpose.

Elle and her dad
Elle's dad with his grandsons

It’s easy to become jaded and get lost in the day-to-day minutiae, whether it’s work or life in general, but I reckon the only way to extract something positive from a sad life event is not to lose the clarity about what’s important that accompanies it.

To me what’s important is the people around me and how I can positively impact their lives.

I decided that the best way to show my gratitude for the life I’ve been given is to learn, grow, develop and try to be the best I can be, so that I have the capacity to give more to those around me and, if possible, the wider world.

And I believe my best vehicle for that is a unique, heart-led business, so that’s what I’m building.

I’ve always believed “people are the most important thing” in any business (you don’t – or shouldn’t - spend 20 years in HR and not believe that) and I wanted to combine my knowledge, skills and experience to see what I could create that would be useful to the people with whom my story resonates.

And here we are!

It’s my heart-led mission to help you not only build the business you desire, but also to use entrepreneurship as the vehicle through which you can positively impact the world in whatever way is meaningful to you.

Find out how I can help you here



It’s time to ditch confusion and take quality action in your business so that you can achieve the freedom, fulfilment and financial results that you started your business to achieve.


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Company Number: SC821234