Leadership Development for Entrepreneurs

Business IS Personal. You need to Build the Business OWNER to Build the Business


Embrace the Business IS Personal philosophy blog post graphic

Embrace the Business IS Personal philosophy

June 01, 20235 min read

A transformative journey of growth, purpose and impact

I feel an up-level coming on. so I wanted to ask you if you’ll come with me?

You want to grow your heart-led, impact driven business

And here’s the thing:

The world needs you to grow your heart-led, impact driven business. 

If you know me at all, you’ll know that I believe it’s people like you, growing your own impactful business and leveraging it for good, that will make the world a better place

And I want to help you to do that.

The way I can help you is to invite you to consider fully embracing the Business Is Personal: You need to Build the Business Owner to Build the Business philosophy.

That is, that it’s your development and growth that leads to the development and growth of your business.

It’s your focus on your Entrepreneurial Leadership Development as a business activity- (the umbrella term I use for leadership development, personal development for business owners and business mindset) that underpins and drives your business success.

I’ve spent the last few years in my business really coming to grips with articulating this, what it looks like and what you need to do to embody and embrace this approach so, as we go forward, I want to make sure that we’re on the same page and that you can see what embracing this philosophy is all about and how you and your business can benefit.

In a nutshell:

You grow your own heart-led, impact driven business and achieve what you want from your business for your life

That leads to you living your purpose and having the impact in the world that you want to have

Which leads to a better world

Simple. Heehee. ;-)

Business Is Personal 

The first part of the philosophy is to grow a business that fills YOUR heart and soul

A business that allows you to live your purpose

A business that allows you to impact who and what matters to you in a massively positive way

We live in such an incredible time. Technology now allows us to reach people globally, to find kindred spirits, to learn from each other and to join together in community to support each other, a support that allows us to take the brave action to build a business.

Whatever skill or talent you’re bringing to your business, whatever it is that you DO, it’s what you DO that’s allowing you to build a business that you can leverage in order to be able to have the impact and influence you desire.

Through what you do, you positively impact your customers or clients by giving them, or helping them achieve, what they need and want based on whatever it is you provide.

The idea of doing this as a business is that you get paid for what you do, which in turn allows you to have resources to smooth or enhance the passage of your own life (because money’s the mechanism through which we can do that in this society).

Through enhancing your own life (not just with money but also with the autonomy, flexibility, freedom, job satisfaction that having your own business affords you) you are living with a more expansive energy, in a higher vibration which in turn lifts others.

And as we all rise in vibration, frequency, energy, in a heart-led, impact driven way, that’s what’ll change the world.

The concept’s well known, the action isn’t always easy, but the philosophy can be a way of business life, if you want it to be.

I’d like to ask you to think about this and think about it often

  • What do you want to grow your business for?

  • What are you going to do to grow your business? 

  • How can you be its leader with a mindset that looks upon your own expansion and growth as the start of the chain of events that positively changes the world?

You → Cultivation, management and maintenance of your entrepreneurial leadership mindset → The action you take in your business → The results you experience → The growth of your business → The leverage you have → The impact that changes the world.

Does that sound like the way you want to approach your business and your life as an entrepreneur? 

Does business feel personal to you?

DM me on IG @elleturner_writer, let’s talk more and remember, join Our Heart-Led Conversation through the link below. We need you!

Elle xo

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And join me on the Taking It Personally Podcast, a podcast for heart-led entrepreneurs who want to grow their impact driven business. We talk about all things entrepreneurial leadership development and mindset so that you can grow a business that enables you to live the life that resonates with you, that’s in harmony with you at a heart and soul level. https://elleturner.me/podcast

Are you ready to make decisive decisions and take assured action to grow your heart-led, impact driven business and achieve the success, fulfilment and impact you desire? I'd like to invite you to check out Build the Business Owner, my 5-week hybrid programme for solopreneurs and micro-business owners.


Business Is PersonalBuild the Business Owner to Build the BusinessEntrepreneurial Leadership DevelopmentBusiness MindsetEntrepreneurial Mindset
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